Thursday, February 11, 2016

Visual motion onset BCIs

Our recent visual motion onset BCIs. Efferent the display center BCI paradigm was developed by Jair Pereira Junior allowing for single trial-based operation of eight commands' application (here simple 1-8 digit speller).

Afferent the display center BCI paradigm was developed by Caio Teixeira allowing for single trial-based operation of six commands' application (here simple 1-6 digit speller).

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Sixteen commands and 40 Hz carrier frequency cVEP BCIs (project by Daiki AMINAKA)

This video is about our latest development of 16 commands and 40 Hz carrier frequency (getting closer to the magic 50 Hz) cVEP BCI by Daiki AMINAKA.

Chinese PinYin BCI speller (project by Zhou JUNJIE)

This video shows a result of undergraduate project by Zhou JUNJIE. Chinese PinYin BCI speller was realized in two step spatial auditory BCI modality utilizing P300 responses.